Greenleaf Sing-a-long
By Deb Roberts

This time of year, the sounds of the holidays are everywhere. In the malls, on the streets, no matter where you go, you hear holiday songs. Every third commercial on tv is for a holiday cd and the radio is playing non stop holiday tunes. But how often do you hear a holiday song for us miniaturists? We’ve come up with some catchy tunes for you to sing this season to express your joy of miniatures during the holidays. Who knows……..maybe they’ll catch on and next year, everyone will be singing joyous songs about minis!
<blowing a note on a pitch pipe> Ready? Everyone sing along!!
I Want a Pretty Beacon Hill for Christmas
(to the tune of: I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas)
I want a pretty Beacon Hill for Christmas.
Only a pretty Beacon Hill will do.
I don’t want perfume, no microwave or toasters,
I don’t want fuzzy slippers or a brand new set of coasters!
I want a pretty Beacon Hill for Christmas.
Tied up in pretty ribbons by the tree.
If I awake to find, a Beacon Hill that’s mine,
I’d turn at least three cartwheels and be smiling all the time!
I can see me now on Christmas morning creeping down the stairs.
What joy and what delight! I’ll be awake all night!
If only there’s a pretty Beacon Hill awaiting there!
I want a pretty Beacon Hill for Christmas.
Only a pretty Beacon Hill will do.
And if you’d like to see, how happy I can be,
Bring home a pretty Beacon Hill for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Santa Baby
Santa baby, just slip a Garfield under the tree,
For me,
Been an awful good girl.
Santa baby, hurry down the chimney tonight.
Santa honey, some Reutter Porzellan for me too,
That blue,
Kitchen set would be great.
Santa honey, please bring my little treasures to me.
Think of all the fun there’ll be
If you fill that stocking full of minis for me.
Next year I promise to be oh so good,
If you’ll just leave those minis underneath my tree!!
Santa baby, forgot to mention one little fact,
You know the stuff that I love.
Santa baby, please hurry down my chimney tonight!
I’m Dreaming of a Doll-house Christmas
I’m dreaming of a doll-house Christmas,
just like the ones I used to know.
When the tinsel glistens, you know I’ll listen,
To hear Santa’s sleigh out in the snow.
I’m dreaming of my daughter’s Christmas,
for her first dollhouse will be here.
With her eyes a-glow, and soon she’ll know,
About the memories I hold dear.
Yes I’m dreaming of a doll-house Christmas,
Traditions shared with one and all.
May your day be blessed with joy times three,
And a dollhouse underneath your tree.
Shingle Blues
(to the tune of Jingle Bells)
Shingles blues, shingles blues, I have the shingle blues.
Oh what fun it is to find these shingles in my shoes. Hey!
On the floor, behind the door, every where I look
Shingles scattered all around, but none are on my roof!
Dashing thru the house, no longer can I work.
My cat has found my shingles and has totally gone berserk!
He’s really on a roll, they’re in the toilet bowl,
I never should have let that furball off of his parole!
Oh! Shingles here, shingles there, shingles in my hat.
Apparently the shingles are a favorite of my cat. Hey!
Gimme that, you mangy cat, come back here with my glue
Shingles should be on my house, but more are stuck on you!
We wish you a mini Christmas!
We wish you a mini Christmas!
We wish you a mini Christmas!
We wish you a mini Christmas!
And a happy new year!!
Happy Holidays to everyone from all of us at Greenleaf!
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