Tracy's Plank Flooring
By Tracy Topps

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to achieve a rich tone to distressed floors using paints and a surprising touch to add just the right hint of luster.
You’ll need black paint, Modge Podge, and brown paint (I used Dark Burnt
Umber for this one).

Step One: paint the entire floor black (This helps because there will be gaps).

After painting, you complete by adding the siding to the floor. Be sure to cut
them randomly on the floor, because this is a shack (you can always make them
a more organized layout by staggering them in a pattern like a modern floor). Now, take your cup and add 3 parts modge podge and 1 part paint in your cup. Then stir your mixture. It dries fast so you should start brushing it soon.

Brush your mixture all over the floor going in the direction of the wood grain. It will look very muddy when you first apply it but it lightens up as it dries.

This is a picture that shows how part of the floor is drying and you
can see the muddy wet part:

This is what it'll look like when it dries. If your floor looks too light, you can add another coat. I used Glossy Modge Podge on this one.

And this is the finished floor!

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