‘Building on a Budget’ Challenge Game
By Deb Roberts
This month we have a fun game to play suggested by Anna. Below, you’ll see pictures of a few ordinary items that have the potential to become minis. To play the game, email your suggestions for what an item could be used for in a miniature to deb@greenleafdollhouses.com with the subject line: Challenge Game
In your email, include your description of what you would make of each item……….or you can actually make the item and email a picture of your finished mini. The choice is up to you and we’ll be delighted with all answers! You can pick one or two items, or do a whole bunch! We’ll compile the results in next month’s Gazette to share with all our readers.
Ready? Here we go!
1. Marbles (any size or color)

2. Seashells (any size or shape)

3. Push Pins (any color)

4. Pencil Erasers

5. Paperclips

6. Suction cup window hangers

7. Cardboard tube

8. Cocktail stirrers/swizzle sticks

9. Round window punch-outs

10. Oval window punch-outs

11. Leftover trim or gingerbread (not necessarily these specific pieces)

12. Craft paint bottle cap

13. Wooden wheels

14. Soft foam ear plugs

15. Wooden drawer knobs/pulls

Okay!! Let your imagination go wild and share your creative ideas with us! Remember, you can either describe your idea, or actually make it and and email a picture. Send all your answers to deb@greenleafdollhouses.com by June 13th to be included in the next issue of the Gazette. (don’t forget to put your name in the email so we know who will be credited with the idea)
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