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    May 2010

    Member of the Month - Meet Sherry!
    By Heidi Cleveland

    Congrats Sherry - Member of the Month!

    I usually start off my articles with some nice quips about the month that we are in. I thought I would change that up this month with a story. A mouse story. If you are a regular on the Greenleaf forums, you have probably laughed at my mousey trials and tribulations. I am upstairs in my bedroom watching L&O SVU when I hear a yell for ‘Moooooom’ coming from downstairs. "What??"  "Come here!"   I come down to see Chelsea and Natalie on the couch. The I hear a weird noise coming from the basement. It is a wild animal of some sort and it is screaming. Chelsea informs me that the noise is "freaking her out man" and I needed to investigate.  I AM NOT GOING DOWN THERE! I did a house check and all animals are accounted for except for Oliver our ocicat. He is down there. I know it. I figure he is torturing a mouse, it will be over soon, and hubs can take care of it.  Oh No. The torturous mouse screams continue for over a half an hour. I go back upstairs to Elliot and Olivia. BoomBoomBoom. Girls are barreling up the stairs. They say something busted open the basement door. I have to go and check. I creep downstairs. With my baseball bat.  Could it be something bigger than a mouse?

    Heart beating in my throat, thinking it could be one of those raccoon in the neighborhood. I see a flash of black. I scream. It is Oliver, happy as a clam. No more screaming from his torture chamber. Fred went down there that night and the next morning. He could find nothing. So far, no smells. 

    And with that, I would love to introduce you to our May Member of the Month, Sherry. Sherry has been a member of the Greenleaf forums since November 16, 2008. I love to talk to Sherry. I also love to look at her eye candy. She has a great sense of color and furniture placement.

    Sherry was born, raised, married, and settled in Texas. She lives at the very bottom of the panhandle, where the wind blows all the time. She and her hubby have two sons and four grandchildren now. They are the best thing that ever happened to them, including the two daughters they acquired through the marriages of their sons. Sherry has been a teacher for over twenty five years, as well as a volunteer EMT, a Cub scout leader, band booster member/officer, volunteer for many fundraisers, and the keeper of the FFA animals for her sons at times. She received her undergraduate degree from Texas Tech and did her graduate work at Wayland Baptist University. Sherry is now substitute teaching. She enjoys having the fun of working with students without the hassle of state mandated testing or faculty meetings.

    Congrats Sherry - Member of the Month!

    Sherry cannot remember a time when she didn't have a dollhouse as a child. She remembers the one her Mom and Dad built for Christmas when she was five years old. She peeked and saw them working on it when she was supposed to be in bed.  That was when she realized that who Santa really was. That was the one toy that she played with until she was too old to play with toys.  Her favorite thing to do was to load all the furniture into her brother`s big Allied Van Lines truck and drive it around the house. Then she would unload and re-arrange the furniture. In later years, her Mom bought her a house full of Petite Princess furniture and Sherry thought she hit the jackpot. Sherry kept that dollhouse for years until her sister in law took it out of storage at the farm and put it in a garage sale.  Sherry considers herself a "accumulator" of miniatures. She is always buying things that she thinks she can use to make minis. She loves building and decorating equally.  It is a challenge to see what she can do with each new house. She tries out different techniques, colors, and styles that she loves. She likes that this makes all her houses different. All the experimentation means they all have lots of goofs covered up with rugs, plants, and well placed pictures!  She loves almost every aspect of the build. She wishes she could hire out someone to do all the moulding, and she wishes she had an elf to put all her things away when she is done. I think we all wish that Sherry!

    Congrats Sherry - Member of the Month!

    Sherry says that the first time she built a dollhouse, she was too ignorant to know that it was supposed to be hard. Her daughter in law was given the Duracraft San Francisco for Christmas with the promise that her Dad would build it. He painted one section of wall and that was it. She finally asked Sherry to do it. Since her hubby was in Washington D.C. for an extended stay, she was alone and bored. So she sat at the dining room table and started building. It was great fun. She didn't think she had any trouble with it because she was home alone with no one there to distract her. It has never occurred to Sherry that she could buy and build one for herself. Her first dollhouse kit was actually one that her husband bought and she found in the garage six months later. She decided that she might as well put it together. That was nearly two years and seven houses ago!

    Sherry would love to win the lottery, stay at home, and work on minis all the time. She would also love to have a bigger craft room so she can make a bigger mess. She hope to complete the house she is working on now by this summer. She would also like to do more furniture building and accessory making. After all that, she wants to get her hubby to build the Taos house that she has been drawing plans for. She is still trying to get up the nerve to try electricity. She has read the horror stories. She knows that one day she will become brave, carry her house to her dollhouse buddy, and get him to help me put up lights. If Sherry had a favorite mini, it would be one of the things she "invented" herself, such as the Jacuzzi and shower stall in her latest build. She was able to start with an idea and figure out a way to make it. She says that it has been alot of fun for her than just buying things to put in a house. She has a feeling of accomplishment, even if it is not perfect! I think it is just wonderful Sherry.

    Congrats Sherry - Member of the Month!

    Sherry has given away many of the houses that she as worked on. If she were to choose one to keep, it would happen to be the one she is working on at the time.  Sherry is like me in that she feels more pleasure in giving away her  houses to people. She knows they will enjoy them much more then she will having them in her possession.

    Sherry is giving some wonderful advice to all the newcomers to our tiny hobby. She says that new builders should not be afraid to try new things. There is not much you can do to a house that cannot be fixed or disguised with well placed trim or houseplants. Until you get brave and start trying all those ideas you have, you are missing the best part of building/creating something that is all YOURS!

    Congrats Sherry - Member of the Month!

    You can check out Sherry`s eye candy here in her gallery.

    or participating as the Member of the Month, Sherry will receive a $25 gift certificate to the Greenleaf store.

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